On March 14, 2000, the Board of County Commissioners made a determination that a blighted area existed in the area now known as the Immokalee Redevelopment Area and there was a need for a redevelopment agency to implement the revitalization of this blighted area and adopted Resolution 2000-82 and Resolution 2000-83. Based on this determination, the Board of County Commissioners declared itself the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) pursuant to Chapter 163, Part III. Florida Statutes.
The Collier County CRA covers two redevelopment areas. The Bayshore Gateway Triangle Community Redevelopment Area and the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Area. The redevelopment efforts are guided by the Community Redevelopment Plan. The Plan was originally adopted in 2000 (Resolution 2000-181). In 2019, the Board adopted the first amendment to the redevelopment plan which included updating the map for the Immokalee area (Resolution 2019-74). In 2022, the Board adopted the second amendment to the redevelopment plan (Resolution 2022-83) which included a complete update of the Immokalee area including vision, goals, objectives and strategies . Funding for redevelopment efforts is funded primarily using tax increment revenues as outlined in Ordinance 2000-042 (should be a hotlink) which established the CRA Trust Fund.
Property values in the Community Redevelopment Area are capped or frozen at the assessed value for a particular base year. Thereafter, any tax revenues due to increases in value in excess of the base are dedicated to the redevelopment area. The generated revenue is known as TIF. Tax increment financing is used in the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Area to leverage its redevelopment efforts.
Mission Statement:
“Those of us who live and work in Immokalee envision a future for our town. We see new business and job opportunities in international trade and distribution, agri-business, ecotourism, recreation and entertainment, and the construction industry. We see Immokalee as an attractive, sustainable community with affordable workforce housing, parks and outstanding schools – a place where people walk and bicycle to do their errands, and where parents are returning to school to finish their education and master new job skills. Main Street will have a Latin flavor – colorful plazas, outdoor cafes, shops and entertainment – attracting both the local community and the tourists who come to explore our unique ecology or entertainment at the Casino.”
Website Requirements:
CRAs are dependent special districts and must comply with Chapter 189, Florida Statutes.
Date Established: March 14, 2000
Establishing Entity: Collier County Board of County Commissioners
Mailing Address: 750 South 5th Street| Suite C, Immokalee, FL 34142
Phone number: 239-867-0025
Website: www.ImmokaleeToday.com
Registered Agent: Jeff Klatzkow, County Attorney
CRA District Map – Boundaries
Immokalee CRA Advisory Board typically meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 8:30 a.m. at the CareerSource SWFL building.
2025 Schedule – 2025 Immokalee Public Meeting Calendar updated 01.17.25
The Board of County Commissioners is the ex-officio Governing Board of the Community Redevelopment Agency. The Board meeting schedule is available at www.colliercountyfl.gov/
To appeal an official decision made by the CRA Board please contact, the County Attorney at 239-252-8400 or visit the website at: County Attorney
For additional financial information – please visit Collier County Office of Management and Budget https://www.colliercountyfl.gov/government/county-manager-operations/divisions/office-of-management-budget
View the Collier County CAFR 2022 here – https://collierclerk.com/wp-content/uploads/2022-ACFR_Collier-County.pdf