In May 2021, Catholic Charities, a not-for-profit philanthropic goals organization, submitted a Letter of Intent (LOI) and draft concept plan to purchase the CRA property to complete the assembly of approximately 7 acres at the corner of Ninth Street and Main Street in downtown Immokalee to construct the Immokalee Community Campus. The concept plan includes a mix of uses including an urgent care facility; improved social services; community meeting room; administrative offices; retail space; and affordable housing.
On May 24, 2022, the CRA directed staff to give at least 30 days public notice of its intent to sell, lease, or otherwise transfer approximately 1.96 acres of CRA-owned property at the corner of South 9th Street and W. Main Street in the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Area in accordance with Section 163.380, Florida Statutes. The notice soliciting proposals from any party/parties interested in the purchase and development of the 1.96 parcel was published on May 27, 2022. The deadline to submit proposals was June 27, 2022. No additional proposals were received. Notice of an Invitation for Proposals closed on Monday, June 27, 2022.
On July 12, 2022, the Board of County Commissioners (BCC), acting as the Community Redevelopment Agency Board (CRA), accept the March 23, 2022, Letter of Intent submitted by Catholic Charities Diocese of Venice, Inc. and authorize staff to obtain an appraisal, and bring back for Board consideration a negotiated Purchase Agreement to convey 1.96 acres of CRA owned property in the Immokalee Community Redevelopment Area.
In 2022 appraisals were completed for both parties, Seller and Buyer Representatives negotiated a Term Sheet Agreement for the Sale and Purchase price of $600,000 using the average of the two appraisals plus closing costs.
The Purchase Agreement with milestones and a reverter clause was approved by the BCC on April 11, 2023. The environmental inspection was completed on May 2, 2023, and the property was surveyed on May 15, 2023. The inspection period closed without formal objection on July 10, 2023. The closing was held on August 29, 2023.
Catholic Charities shall file an Application for a Rezone within 180 days from the closing (February 20, 2024) which includes a Catholic Community Center, Catholic Clinic with related medical offices, and retail/commercial space on the property. On February 7, 2024, Catholic Charities’ Consultant, Hole Montes and Associates, NKA Bowman Consulting (Bowman), had a Pre-Application Meeting PL20240000390 with the County. Within 6 years of approval of the Rezone Application and adoption of the Rezone Ordinance, Catholic Charities must have substantial completion of the project. The CRA Staff and the Real Property Management Department are monitoring the post-closing activities. On February 16, 2024, Catholic Charities formally requested a 90-day extension from filing rezone application. On February 20, 2024, the Deputy County Manager provided an extension. Therefore, the new deadline for submitting the rezone application was extended to May 20, 2024, to ensure sufficient time for thorough preparation and documentation necessary for the application. The rezone application was timely submitted to the County and Staff are pursuing an updated Schedule from the Diocese of Venice. On June 26, 2024, Collier County’s Growth Management Division sent Bowman a letter with review comments and advised the project will retain a “hold” status until all comments are satisfied.
A Neighborhood Information Meeting (NIM) was held November 18, 2024, at 5:30 p.m. at Catholic Charities Guadalupe Social Services, 211 South 9th Street, Immokalee, FL, 34142. Hole Montes, a Bowman Company provided second submittal on December 6, 2024. County Staff provided comments on January 10, 2025. Awaiting Catholic Charities to complete their request for Rezone for submittal to the Planning Hearing Board and the Board of County Commissioners for their approvals to progress in the process for permitting.
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Collier County Florida