This project includes design and construction of 20 Miles of concrete sidewalks, a bike boulevard network, a shared-use path, street lighting, bus shelters, a new transit center, landscaping, drainage improvements, and intersection and traffic calming retreats.
On December 14, 2021, the Board of County Commissioner (BCC) accepted the selection committee ranking and authorized staff to negotiate an agreement with the top ranked firm, Quality Enterprises USA, Inc. for the design build of the Immokalee Area Improvements – TIGER Grant project solicited under RFP #20-7811.
On December 15, 2021, staff negotiated and reach a proposed agreement with Quality Enterprises for a contract in the amount of $22,869,280 to provide all professional services and construction of the project.
At the February 8, 2022, Board of County Commissioners Meeting RFP #20-7811, “Immokalee Area Improvements” TIGER Grant was awarded to Quality Enterprises USA, Inc., for a total not to exceed amount of $22,869,280, for Project #33563. The design portion of this project started in 2022, construction started in Area 1 in March 2023 and construction is set to be completed 2024.
At the April 12, 2022, BCC Meeting, the request for Professional Services No. 21-7877 “Construction, Engineering & Inspection (CEI) was awarded to Kisinger Campo & Associates for the project.
Design Build funding sources: FHWA grand funds ($13,132,691) & County match funds ($9,736,589) = $22,869,280.
Below is a brief update on each area.
Areas 1, 2 & 3: The County’s Contractor has completed construction.
Area 4: Construction is ongoing in Areas 4A/B/C/D.
Area 5: The County’s Contractor has completed construction in Area 5.
Bus Transfer Station: Construction is ongoing at the Bus Transfer Station.
Continuous Street Lighting: Lee County Electric Cooperative (LCEC) is in the process of installing the proposed lights associated with the project. The lighting component is anticipated to be completed by the end of January 2025 and substantial completion date for the project is April 2025.
Staff is drafting an Agreement whereby the Immokalee MSTU agrees to the payment of electrical utility expenses for the 406 light poles installed as part of the TIGER Grant Project from the Immokalee Beautification Municipal Service Taxing Unit and/or the Unincorporated County Area Municipal Service Taxing Unit. Existing light poles will be funded by the Collier County Lighting District. The MSTU payment is for the annual utility expenses only (no maintenance expenses to the street light poles), estimated to be $100,000 annually for the 406 newly installed TIGER Project light poles. Johnson Engineering was hired to prepare a map of light pole locations that identify the ownership entity (LCEC, County or MSTU) of existing poles in Immokalee and for the location of the TIGER Grant project light poles to finalize an Executive Summary and identify the MSTU funding source paying for the annual utility expense for the Agreement. Lighting plans were provided to the County on June 14, 2024. On July 19, 2024 updated files were provided by Trebilcock Consulting Solutions to Johnson. Johnson the map was completed on July 29, 2024. Staff confirmed with County Staff there are 388 poles, not 406. The BCC approved the payment of the annual utility expenses by the MSTU on the December 10, 2024 BCC Agenda and a Purchase Order in the amount of $100,000 has been issued to LCEC for lighting invoices of TIGER poles.
For more information contact:
Cellar Molnar & Associates, Inc.
Phone: 239-337-1071
Toll – Free: 877-496-1076
Fax: 239-337-1076