In 2020, Q. Grady Minor & Associates, P.A. (Grady Minor) was hired to provide professional services for future street lighting and pedestrian safety improvements along South First Street (from Main Street to School Road/Seminole Crossing Trail).
This work included feasibility studies and conceptual plans for the purpose of relocating existing decorative light poles, considering the future street lighting and pedestrian safety improvements. Additionally, it included reviewing and providing recommendations for the location of new pedestrian crosswalks, and the location of new landscape and hardscape elements. Estimated construction costs and long-term maintenance costs were included with the feasibility studies.
In 2021, Grady Minor provided the final Conceptual Plan Report that recommends the installation of Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons at the three crosswalks and 11 additional Collier County Traffic Operations light poles. ICRA Staff had coordinated with Collier County Traffic Operations and Public Transit during the development of the conceptual plan and their input was reflected in the final conceptual plans.
Staff applied for a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) in February 2022 and the $250,000 grant was conditionally awarded in April 2022.
On June 28, 2022, Community and Human Services (CHS) processed the grant agreement between the Collier County Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and the Collier County Board of County Commissioners (BCC) for CDBG funds. The agreement was approved by the Collier County BCC on June 28, 2022. The grant agreement for design was approved by the CRA (BCC) board on September 13, 2022, for the CDBG $250,000 grant. The formal notification from HUD was provided on December 9, 2022, that the environmental review had been completed and authorized the CRA to proceed with the Solicitation for request for proposals. The Solicitation process was initiated for the design of the construction plans for this project.
Kisinger Campos & Associates (KCA) was selected for the design of the project and KCA provided a revised proposal on June 22, 2023. A Work Order was executed on June 28, 2023, and on July 20, 2023, a Notice to Proceed with Purchase Order was issued with a commencement date of July 21, 2023.
The survey work was completed September 15, 2023, by T2, KCA’s subcontractor. On November 10, 2023, KCA requested clarification on the intent of the lighting (e.g. strictly pedestrian level lighting as reflected in the conceptual plans or luminating the full corridor). KCA provided Staff a Lighting Design Memo comparing the two levels of lighting, pedestrian safety only or the full corridor with estimated costs (not including additional Subsurface Utility Engineering locating needed to accommodate the increased infrastructure). KCA recommended the full corridor plan. On December 11, 2023, Staff requested a Proposal from KCA for the modifications to the 30% plan for consideration and the possible preparation of a Change Order.
The Grant period ends on April 30, 2024. On January 4, 2024, Staff submitted a Request for a 180-day Extension (10/27/24) to CHS. On January 17, 2024, CHS provided an extension from April 30, 2024, to October 27, 2024.
On January 5, 2024, KCA suggested as an alternative to a Change Order to eliminate the 30% and 90% plans; but keeping the County Staff and Utilities Entities a 15-day review for comments to the 60% and draft Final Plans. Staff provided the three (3) options to County Management for discussion on January 8, 2024, with Staff’s recommendation of full corridor lighting. The option for full corridor lighting was reviewed by the Deputy County Manager, Traffic Operations, Office of Management & Budget, CHS and Procurement Services. On February 13, 2024, Staff advised KCA of the approval of the full corridor lighting option and requested a proposal, timeline and costs associated with the change for the timely preparation of a Change Order (CO).
On March 7, 2024, KCA provided a proposal for a change to Task 5 (Surveying) and a time extension. CO #1 was sent to KCA for execution on March 19, 2024, reflecting a 180-day extension to KCA’s Work Order from an ending date of April 16, 2024 to October 13, 2024 to allow time to perform 12 additional test holes, Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE), for conflict and confirmation purposes on underground utilities on this 4-lane divided highway as ingress/egress to downtown Immokalee. The increase from 4 SUEs to 16 SUEs added in-field survey work that would be required on Full Corridor construction plans for the enhancement of both street lighting and signalized crosswalk improvements. The additional cost is $11,955 for the modifications to the survey work. Staff submitted a request for approval of CO #1 to Procurement Services on March 27, 2024. On April 25, 2024, Staff submitted a request for Purchase Order Modification for CO#1. On May 16, 2024, the Cost Reasonableness was requested and provided to CHS. CHS approved the CO1 with the Cost Reasonableness on May 23, 2024.
A Suspend Work Notice was issued to KCA on April 10, 2024, while Staff waited for the approval of CO #1 by Procurement Services. On April 11, 2024, CO #1 was approved and a Resume Work Notice was issued to KCA with a design completion date of October 13, 2024.
On May 17, 2024, Staff received KCA’s 60% plans that disclosed existing features outside of the right-of-way. Staff had inquired if the County Land Surveyor could prepare the legal descriptions and sketches for easement acquisitions, if needed. Staff submitted the 60% plans to County Departments for review and comments were due June 5, 2024. KCA sent the plans to Utility Owners for their comments.
On July 10, 2024, Staff inquired of KCA if all proposed improvements can be designed within the existing ROW while being ADA compliant and if the design can be modified to not require so many relocations of existing poles to achieve full corridor lighting. On July 16, 2024, KCA confirmed there are no indications of easements along the frontage; and if all the proposed improvements are pulled into the existing ROW, they will create ADA conflicts, impact utilities, and significantly escalate the cost of the project beyond what is funded. To minimize the number of new poles a change to alternative light fixtures was approved by Collier County Transportation Engineering, Traffic Operations Division, to provide flexibility when it comes to pole spacing, account for driveways, existing poles, etc.
KCA began reanalyzing the corridor with GE luminaire fixtures on the west side of the roadway resulting in repurposing many of the existing poles with lighting retrofits that may meet FDOT lighting criteria. KCA worked on their analysis of the pole placements to develop the utility conflict matrix; however, the proposed GE luminaires decreased the number of new poles needed, ROW conflicts remain. The Surveyor was unable to resume work on Subsurface Utility Engineering (SUE) test holes in September 2024 needed to finalize the plans until KCA and the County identify a resolution to spotty illumination levels and midblock crossing design violations. Senior Staff and KCA met on September 30, 2024, to discuss creative construction phasing of the project subject to Uniform Relocation Act compliance.
Staff drafted Change Order #2 to extend KCA’s performance period by 60-days with an end date of October 13, 2024, to December 12, 2024. Said Change Order may be subject to BCC approval. A Suspend Work Notice has had been issued to KCA on October 7, 2024, while CO#2 is being processed. A 60-day extension for the grant had been requested and is being processed as a First Amendment to extend the grant performance period from September 27, 2024, to December 26, 2024. Said First Amendment was approved on the October 22, 2024, BCC Agenda (16.D. 10).
On October 15, 2024, Staff coordinated with CHS a phasing of the corridor to comply with the design and construction grants. To manage ROW conflicts, the project will be divided into two phases: Phase 1 will address the southern segment without ROW encroachments, and Phase 2 will address remaining areas requiring acquisitions. The entire corridor shall be constructed by April 30, 2026. A Second Amendment is being processed for BCC approval on December 10, 2024 and Change Order #3 is being prepared for KCA for phasing the project.
On February 20, 2024, Staff applied for a CDBG Grant for construction funds in the amount of $1,200,000. Due to the grant deadline of February 21, 2024, the Immokalee CRA Board provided an After-the-Fact approval to submit the electronic grant application at the February 21, 2024, CRA Meeting. At the February 27, 2024, BCC meeting the Board approved an After-the-Fact electronic grant application submittal. Staff presented the project and funding request to the Review and Ranking Committee on March 27, 2024.
A Conditional Award letter was issued April 8, 2024, in the amount of $600,000 and funds would be available after October 1, 2024. A grant kick-off meeting was held on June 5, 2024, and Staff were advised a full Environmental Review Report (ERR) will need to be ordered. On June 28, 2024, CHS increased the conditional award to $1,001,371 and provided Staff a draft Subrecipient Agreement reflecting a 10% retainage to be collected. Final conditional awards went before the BCC for approval September 10, 2024. The ERR was ordered by CHS. If the design is modified to be more encumbered, the ERR may be delayed accommodating the new design.
Final recommendation by KCA on the resolution of a phasing plan of non-conflicting and conflicting pole placements with GE Evolve luminaires was accepted by County Departments and Staff submitted a draft project schedule to CHS on November 8, 2024, pursuant to the Subrecipient Agreement for construction of the project. CHS processed Agreements to phase the project:
CD22-03 (Phase 1 Design) 10/1/2022-01/06/25
CD24-02 ( Complete Construction of Phase 1) 10/1/24-10/31/25
A proposed CD24-03 Agreement (Complete Design & Construction with ROW Acquisitions of Phase 2) 1/6/25 – 4/30/26
The First Amendment to CD22-03 was approved by the BCC on November 12, 2024 (Agenda Item 16L2). KCA’s Change Order #2 was approved. The Second Amendment to CD22-03 was approved by the BCC on December 10, 2024 (Agenda Item 16L3). A First Amendment to CD24-02 is being prepared for review by the BCC in February 2025. On December 19, 2024 Staff circulated the PH1 Final Plans for County Staff & Utility Providers to provide comments by January 2, 2025. Sighed and sealed final plans by KCA were provided on January 3, 2025. The Engineer’s Estimated Lighting Cost for PH1 is $169,847.24.
KCA timely completed 100% Plans before the January 6, 2025 end date for the grant. Staff is processing documentation for KCA to provided legal descriptions and sketches for the need ROW in Phase 2 and to complete the design plans for Phase 2.
Staff proceeded with the selection process of a vendor for the Construction Engineering Inspection Services (CEI) for the project while Staff carries on with the Construction Contractor bidding and award process. Trebilcock Consulting Services is the assigned consultant. On September 10, 2024, Staff prepared a draft Scope of Work for the Consultant’s proposal for the issuance of a Work Order for CEI Services. Staff will reduce the Scope of Work to Phase 1 only for CEI Services for the construction work on Phase 1. A second Scope of Work and proposal will be needed for the CEI’s work on Phase 2.